Our Team

At Sherlock Wealth, every member of our team is dedicated to providing you with bespoke advice. The financial plans we create will be individually tailored to your lifestyle needs and aspirations.

Andrew Sherlock

Andrew Sherlock

Owner & Head of Advice

BEc / CA – Financial Planning Specialist / SMSF Specialist Adviser / CIMA

“I want to inspire people to better their lives, to restore their confidence when they need it and to contribute to humanity while I’m there.”

Andrew Sherlock, Head of Advice at Sherlock Wealth, focuses on empowering Australian families, business owners and individuals to live their best lives and pursue their biggest dreams.

During his 20 plus years as a Financial Adviser, Andrew has had the privilege to partner with many accomplished people through the milestones of their lives and the ups and downs of the various economic cycles.

One of the biggest contributions he makes to the success of his clients is in preventing them from making decisions that will harm their wealth as much as helping them to make good decisions.

“You don’t know what you don’t know,” he says. “More than anything I give my clients peace of mind. I am there to bounce ideas off, to guide them through complex decision processes and to be across their financial affairs – especially when they don’t have time to be.”

Andrew finds it personally rewarding to witness people achieving their goals. “My job is about much more than numerical skills. It’s also about building connection and trust,” he said.

A Chartered Accountant with a background in funds management, Andrew holds a BA Economics degree majoring in accounting and finance. He was one of the first people in Australia to obtain the Self-Managed Superannuation Specialist accreditation and is one of only a few advisers in Australia to be a Certified Investment Management Analyst and a lifetime member of the MDRT Top of the Table.

Andrew has a keen interest in Australian native wildlife and so Sherlock Wealth is a proud supporter of the Australian Wildlife Conservancy – an independent, not for profit organisation whose mission is the effective conservation of all Australian animal species and the habitats in which they live. As part of this support, Andrew and Jacqui, together with their three daughters, have been able to visit a couple of AWC’s wildlife sanctuaries.

“This would have to be one of the most amazing experiences I have had. It feels good to be at a point in my life and in our business that we are able to give back and to contribute to our vision beyond,” Andrew said.

Andrew’s other outdoor passions include keeping fit with his friends, as well as skiing, surfing, paddle boarding, golf, tennis, swimming, and surf lifesaving.
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Jacqui Sherlock

Owner & CEO

BA Comms Hons/ Cert IV in Workplace Training and Assessment

"I spend a lot of time with our team to make sure they’ve got everything they need so they can do the best work for our clients."

In her role as CEO of Sherlock Wealth, Jacqui draws upon her background in public relations and marketing to bring a dynamic approach to the world of financial advice.

With First Class Honours in the Bachelor of Arts Communications degree from the University of Technology Sydney, Jacqui uses her skills to help the team connect, engage and stay motivated to deliver a quality service to the firms highly targeted client base.

Since being promoted to CEO in 2017, Jacqui’s main role has been to drive the business through a critical phase of transformation. Today, she oversees its key areas to ensure the delivery of quality and consistent advice and service, while maintaining a focus on the firm’s long-term goals.

Jacqui’s foremost responsibility is working with the team to ensure they have what’s needed to be motivated and working at their best. Networking with key clients, centres of influence and industry associates also forms an important part of her role.

“I am proud to own and run a business that employs people, providing them with careers and opportunities for a positive future,” she said.

“I hope to continue to build the business for many more years and carry on the 50-year family legacy.”

Jacqui has always given generously of her time and money to charities and community organisations, having previously served as the President of the Roseville Netball Club, the President of the Roseville College Parents Association and Acting Chair of the Roseville College Foundation. She is currently a keen supporter of two of her favourite charities, Tour de Cure and Australian Wildlife Conservancy.

Her successful and happy marriage to Andrew and raising their three beautiful daughters to become women of the future is what Jacqui is most proud of. Connecting with family and friends is her favourite past time.

“My hope is to leave a positive mark on people’s lives wherever I can,” she said.

When she is not leading the team at Sherlock Wealth or running around after her husband, daughters or two dogs, Leila and Stella, you may find Jacqui with her head in a book, at the beach or on the tennis court or golf course!
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Krystal Daniels

Krystal Daniels

Practice Manager
Head of Service

Why I love what I do

DFP - Diploma of Financial Planning | Cert III Business Administration and Management

“Leading by example. I apply this to everything I do.”

The embodiment of loyalty and reliability and a favourite with our clients and team alike, is our longest serving team member, Krystal Daniels. If we want something done – we give it to Krystal!

As Head of Client Service, Krystal’s role is to ensure we are consistently delivering first class and efficient service to all our clients.

The attentive and caring nature that Krystal brings to her relationships with people underpins the smooth running of the client services team.

“I always try to lead by example. I apply this to my role and to everything I do,” Krystal said. Over the years Krystal has worked closely with all our clients. One of the things she finds most rewarding is putting clients at ease, especially when they are feeling under pressure.

“It provides a sense of reward when we can reduce our client’s stress levels and give them peace of mind. That is when we know we are doing our job well,” she says.

“The way we operate is forever changing as we are always trying to do things better and better. Over the years I have learnt to be very adaptable while at the same time continually drawing on my education and applying it to all I do. “

“My favourite relationships are with our clients that see us as their partners and who work with us closely to achieve their goals.”

A major milestone for Krystal in achieving her own personal goals was purchasing her first home a few years ago. More recently the joy of becoming an Aunty for the first time was another highlight in her life.

Krystal is supportive of a range of children’s charities, with the Starlight Foundation and Ronald McDonald House being especially close to her heart. “I have seen firsthand the wonderful work these charities do for children and their families,” Krystal said.

Her advice to her younger self is: “Don’t waste your money and start saving as much as you can as early as you can,” she said.
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Blake Cullen

Blake Cullen

Financial Adviser

Why I love what I do

B. Com (FP and Marketing)

“My dream is to make my client’s dreams a reality.”

Blake’s dedicated and cheerful approach to life makes him a valued team member. He believes in making the most of good opportunities and likes to create a safe and trustworthy environment around him.

Through his role as a financial adviser, Blake enjoys simplifying complicated affairs for his clients, allowing them more time to focus on their families and professions.

A highlight of his role is when clients attain peace of mind by having trust in him and by knowing their personal finances are in order. “Even though our job involves dealing with serious matters, I like my clients to feel relaxed and enjoy the financial planning process.

“I feel happiest for my clients when they are not worried or stressed about their finances, because they have us,” he said.

Blake is very proud of finishing his degree and completing his CFP. Growing his professional relationships with his clients, his team and associates is something he also finds rewarding.

“Joining Sherlock Wealth is a big career milestone for me. Working in a business that has the same values as I do is very exciting,” he said.

If Blake could share some advice about money with his younger self, he would emphasise the importance of setting financial goals. “It’s important to have goals and to work out a pathway for achieving them.

“However, money should be enjoyed along the way and spending it on little things that make you happy is also worthwhile,” he added.

When he is not working, Blake enjoys spending quality time with his young family, traveling, playing soccer, and going to the gym.
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Nicole Tupou

Associate Adviser

Why I love what I do

Studying: Bachelor of Commerce – Major in Financial Planning | DFP - Diploma of Financial Planning

“The best results come from everyone working together”

An integral member of our team, Nicole is the day to day contact for our clients and a great support to our Advisers. Her ‘anything is possible’ approach, means she is proactive and hard-working and has built a depth of knowledge that is beyond her years.

“I picture our clients as family members,” Nicole says. “I try to put myself into their shoes and consider what they need and want.”

“The best results come from us all working together in this way. It creates an energy and an efficiency that can exceed everyone's expectations,” she said.

After seeing first-hand, the positive impact that good advice makes to people’s lives, Nicole has recently decided to embark on her own journey to becoming a Financial Adviser. Another example that anything is possible.

“One of the best things I do is to make sure that our clients are prioritising themselves and doing what they need to make their lives better. It takes patience, persistence and great communication,” she said.

When not at work Nicole can be found with two of her besties, her dog, Bilbo and her cat, Luna. One of her personal highlights has been completing a hundred-kilometre marathon with her sister and some friends - without sleeping and within 36 hours!

Nicole is also a passionate supporter of wildlife foundations and charities that help in the areas of domestic violence and suicide prevention.
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Connor Mishalow

Connor Mishalow

Adviser Associate

Why I love what I do

Diploma of Business | Diploma of Leadership

"Always treat others the way you would like to be treated."

An associate adviser at Sherlock Wealth, Connor’s charisma and empathy are what help him to ensure our clients’ experiences are as smooth as possible and his ‘above and beyond’ attitude are part of what make him such a valued team member.

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Sid Saha

Investment Associate

Why I love what I do

Studying: Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics)/Commerce

“My aim is to always exceed the requirements of my role.”

Following his love for maths and passion for finance, Sid is thrilled to have the opportunity to join Sherlock Wealth as a graduate intern. Working for us while studying mathematics and finance at UNSW, Sid hopes to combine his experience and capabilities to complete his CFA or a PhD in Financial Mathematics.

Sid has developed a strong interest in funds management and is excited to learn more through working with the advice team at Sherlock Wealth.

A networker and optimist at heart, Sid likes to connect with everyone in the room. He enjoys meeting new people and bringing his positive personality to work. “I always try my best to help people to feel good,” he said.

“Discipline and a good savings ethic are so important. Spend on what makes you happy, whilst thinking for the future,” he added.

When not studying or working, Sid can be found playing golf, strumming the Blues or Jazz on his guitar and taking photos for his Instagram photography page. He also enjoys researching stocks and staying on top of his investments.

Sid likes to support charities such as the Red Cross and the Salvation Army. He has also recently donated to the Australian Bushfire Appeal and the 2020 Beirut appeal.
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Victoria Sherlock

Victoria Sherlock

Marketing Associate

Why I love what I do

Studying: Bachelor of Commerce

“I always love giving things a go.”

With an eagerness to take on new tasks and responsibilities, even if it pushes her out of her comfort zone, Victoria is always keen to learn, adapt and develop.

“I have found some of my most rewarding experiences have come from doing things I never would have thought myself capable of,” Victoria says.

Her calm and optimistic spirit, combined with a commitment to learning, makes ‘Tori,’ as she is affectionately known by her family, friends and team, a positive and enjoyable person to be around.

Tori completed the HSC in 2020 and is currently studying Commerce at the University of Sydney. With majors in Marketing and Psychology, Tori is thrilled to be able to put theory into practice through her role as Marketing Coordinator at Sherlock Wealth.

While being new to the business world, Tori is a keen and fast learner who is very grateful to have the opportunity to be working with passionate people.

“I am loving being able to learn from such a creative, intelligent and driven team. Their hard work and dedication to the business is inspiring,” she said.

In her spare time, Tori enjoys staying fit by taking classes at the gym, running, bushwalking, playing tennis, stand-up paddle boarding and cooking healthy recipes.

Through volunteering, Tori has enjoyed working with people from all walks of life and hearing the stories and unique perspectives of others. Some of her most memorable experiences have been made while playing basketball with disability students through Time-out Basketball, as well as by spending time with residents at Hammond Care aged care home.
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Chantyl Revilla

Chantyl Revilla

Service Associate

Why I love what I do


“Push yourself to be your best.”

With a determined and passionate attitude towards work, Chantyl is an integral team member who is always finding ways to try and exceed the expectations of her co-workers and clients.

“I love to see the positive impact that my work has on our clients. I am happiest when we fulfil our clients’ goals and deliver on our promises,” she said.

After completing a Bachelor of Arts in the Philippines, Chantyl trained as a financial planning assistant through Virtual Business Partners before joining Sherlock Wealth as a Service Associate.

She enjoys being able to use her skills to improve the lives of her clients and to support her fellow team members.

“I really appreciate how genuine everyone in the team is. I feel very motivated to do my best,” she said.

Through her work in the financial services industry, Chantyl has realised the importance of seeking assistance from experts.

“I’ve seen that good advice is invaluable and can make a big difference to your financial situation and long-term outcomes,” she said.

As a mother who knows the importance of support, Chantyl champions charities which give back to children and parents and is always looking for causes that she can help.

It is this optimism and drive that has helped her to navigate the pandemic with mindfulness and mental strength, an achievement that she is very proud of.

When she is not working, Chantyl spends most of her time with her young son, who loves playing outdoors. She also enjoys playing badminton and volleyball in her free time.
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Niyah Soriano

Niyah Soriano

Service Associate

Why I love what I do


“Always chose to look out for others and to be kind.”

A careful eye for detail as well as for quality helps Niyah to excel in her role as Service Associate for Sherlock Wealth.

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