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Market Analysis

Market Review September 2020

Monthly Market Review - September 2020 VIEW PDF How the different asset classes have fared: (As at 30 September 2020) 1 Bloomberg AusBond Bank 0+Y TR AUD, 2 Bloomberg AusBond...
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Market Review August 2020

Monthly Market Review – August 2020 How the different asset classes have fared: (As at 31 August 2020) Financial markets gained in August as US shares recovered their losses and…

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Market Review July 2020

Monthly Market Review – July 2020 How the different asset classes have fared: (As at 31 July 2020) Financial markets were mixed in July as a sell-off in the US…

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Market Review June 2020

Monthly Market Review – June 2020 How the different asset classes have fared: (As at 30 June 2020) Financial markets were slightly more subdued in June than in April and…

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Market Review May 2020

Monthly Market Review – May 2020 How the different asset classes have fared: (As at 31 May 2020) Financial markets continued to rally in May, continuing on from the momentum…

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Market Review April 2020

Monthly Market Review – April 2020 How the different asset classes have fared: (As at 30 April 2020) Financial markets partly recovered in April after very steep falls in March. Share…

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Market Review March 2020

Monthly Market Review – March 2020 How the different asset classes have fared: (As at 31 March 2020) Financial markets were extremely volatile in March as investors grappled with immense…

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Market Review February 2020

Monthly Market Review – February 2020 Thoughts on Recent Events As many of you would be aware US, European and Australian stock indices have fallen as investors grapple to understand…

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Market Review January 2020

Monthly Market Review – January 2020 Recent Market Update Key Points While the last three days has seen equity markets around the world retreat from their previous highs, the returns…

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